ICICI Bank Case Study

ICICI Bank is a leading multinational private-sector bank in India. Way before Covid-19 reshaped the digital landscape and affected the functions of our day-to-day lives, ICICI Bank recognized the importance of having a virtual model and made its services available to customers through a highly digital and convenient platform.

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Educational Video



Financial Sercice



182 Seconds


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ICICI Project Overview

education video images

ICICI Bank, a leading multinational private sector bank in India, is the second-largest Indian bank in terms of assets and market capitalization. 


They came to us with a request to have a Tutorial Video that highlights the features of how their employees have to use the different tools and be available for customer service.


With its thoughtful approach toward making the banking experience immensely customer-friendly for people, ICICI bank has taken countless steps in the last few years.


Way before Covid-19 reshaped the digital landscape and affected the functions of our day-to-day lives, ICICI Bank recognized the importance of having a virtual model and made its services available to customers through a highly digital and convenient platform.

Challenge faced by ICICI Bank

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With the pandemic being the highlight of the year, the list of the challenges faced by the public is never-ending.


On the one hand, where social distancing remained crucial for the world, people also had to return to work after an extended lockdown and resume their duties.


When the pandemic was at its peak and we were introduced to the new aspect of ‘working online’ or ‘working from home, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that we took some time to adapt to this new working model.


ICICI quickly took the step to overcome this challenging shift by having an educational video

Why ICICI chose an Educational Video?

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While working from home became the new model for employees and employers for continuing their jobs, ICICI Bank formulated some crucial practices that not only helped in curbing anxieties but also came across as essential ways in increasing productivity.


To get the message out, the bank needed a creative yet informational video that will not only inspire the employees but will also provide them with ways for coping with the ongoing challenges.


Through attractive visuals and graphics, ICICI Bank was able to motivate its employees and presented them with ways through which they can modify the way they work and follow the basic yet crucial steps that will help them in increasing their productivity.

Keeping the ongoing situation of nationwide lockdown and social distancing in mind, they realized live shoots were not possible and they needed the video within a very short deadline.


The determined employees at MotionGility took the short deadline very seriously and delivered the project in the promised time without compromising the quality.

Want an Explainer Video for your Financial Services Institution?

Process we followed


Scripting vector

The script was created in such a way that will instantly influence the audience and help them increase their productivity through a series of practices.


Our dedicated creative time was determined to modify the script provided by ICICI Bank and refined it by adding some key elements for having the desired influence, that will help our client get their message out directly to their employees.


ICICI Bank Case Study

Our storyboard artist took the first execution for the video and created various style frames that matched the vision of our client and also set the right tone for the video.


With creative intelligence, they created the foundation of the video and conceptualized the essence of the script through creative frames.


ICICI illustration

After getting the frames finalized by the client’s side, they were forwarded to the Illustration team, who worked on getting the best out of the storyboard.

With their utter creativity and excellence, they were able to meet the expectations.

The Illustration artists made sure to use colors that maintained the feel of banking sectors and also put the ICICI logo colors to use.

When showing the characters in the script, the artists ensured that they use the right dress code for the employees according to the ICICI guidelines

Color Scheme

ICICI color scheme

The style frames were then sent to the client for feedback and were introduced with new alterations if any.

The illustration process is what fills up the colors in the style frames created by the storyboard artists and brings them to life.

We made sure to use the colors as per the ICICI color palette and logo so that it can have a customized touch.

We also made a character set that resembles the staff of ICICI Bank.

Voice Over

Voice Over MotionGility

Voice Over is known for humanizing brands and they also help the viewers in grasping the essence of the video without any hassles.

The voice-over script was forwarded to the voice-over artist and after it was recorded, the Final Video was added to it.


ICICI Video Call

Animators are known for bringing life to illustrations and creating wonders with their creative excellence and that was exactly what was achieved by our animators who focused on bringing the whole act together.

They made sure to make the video aesthetically pleasing while making it visually appealing.

They also took care of keeping the video in the right context for sticking to the theme of the video.

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Results ICICI Bank achieved with us

With the help of this explainer video, ICICI Bank was able to get its message to its employees in a very impactful manner.

The employees who were working from home were able to clearly understand the message and adopted the practices into their daily work routine which helped them achieve a better level of productivity.

ICICI Bank successfully motivated its employees with the explainer video and MotionGility stood up to their expectations and beyond from all aspects.