How Can You Educate Patients Better With Animation Videos?

Picture of Komal Chaturvedi
Komal Chaturvedi

Co-Founder & CEO, MotionGility

educate patients with animation videos
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In today’s time, with just a click we can access a vast amount of information.


But all glitters on the web are not gold, especially when it comes to medical-related topics. Sometimes it can lead to confusion and even false conclusions.


In healthcare, no one wants to take that risk. If we are searching for any query we look for informed and well-researched solutions.


Imagine if you are looking for facts related to healthcare and an animated video pops up in front of you. This video includes everything you wanted, well-researched insights in a short period of time.


What are the chances that you will trust a video more than written text?


Well, there are many possibilities for trusting a well-informed animated video over other forms of information as they convey the message better and are easier to understand. 


Videos also have the potential to transform patient education and help them make informed decisions about their health.


Let’s learn how to educate patients with animation videos:

Need help understanding how effective animation videos can be in Educating Patients?

Benefits to Educate Patients with Animated Videos

1. Reduces unnecessary confusion and stress

When the patient is diagnosed with any kind of disease or symptoms, anxiety, and stress levels tend to increase exponentially.


However, through healthcare videos, they can learn about the disease and procedures of treatments in a better way thus reducing their anxiety levels and building trust in your operational procedures.

2. Improves Recalling Capacity

Studies show that when a person sees things visually, there is a high chance that they will remember the things for a long. 


Since animated videos can show patients how their bodies work in a more enriching manner, compelling graphics can help hook their attention for better recall.


This makes it much easier to understand and remember all this important stuff.

3. Have updated information

As technology is rapidly evolving in the healthcare sector, having a hold on the latest information is very important.


Animated videos can be easily updated to show the latest research. This assures that patients are always receiving the most accurate and up-to-date information.

4. Convenient and easy to access

Videos are super easy to access. People can find videos across various digital channels and watch them from anywhere, anytime, and even multiple times.


Patients can take their time, watch the videos again and again if they need to, and really get a good grasp on the information.


They can make informed decisions about their health and keep learning even outside of the doctor’s office.

5. Improves communication Gap

Having clear communication between a healthcare professional and patients is very important for successful treatment.


Experts can use healthcare videos to communicate with patients about their concerns and explain complex medical terms in a patient-friendly manner.


Improved communication between a doctor and patients can help build a stronger relationship between them, thus enhancing the overall experience of receiving healthcare services from them.

How to Implement Patient Animation Videos in Hospitals

Educational animated videos are comparatively new in healthtech, and making use of videos in hospitals can make a lasting impression on visitors.


Videos can be displayed in waiting rooms, or even integrated into patient education materials which will develop a sense of satisfaction in patients.

how to implement patient animation video in hospital

Through videos, doctors can effectively demonstrate the ins and outs of a medical process beforehand.


As a result, this will help patients understand the complete process and alleviate any fears or concerns they may have.


Moreover, surgeons can use these videos to demonstrate surgical techniques, explain anatomy, or showcase new medical advancements. 


Using these videos strategically, healthcare startups and medical companies can not only improve their visitor’s experience but also boost their brand’s growth in the market.

How to develop an impactful Educational Healthcare Video?

Well, you need to keep only three points in mind while creating a Patient Education healthcare video:


  1. Begin your process by creating a solid plan. Define your objectives, and outline the key lessons you want to include in your video. 
  2. Choose an animation style that complements your key message better.
  3. Since the background voiceover sets the entire tone of the video, never compromise on choosing an excellent voice artist and all relevant BG sound elements.
  4. Publish your video on the channels where your target audience is present to generate maximum and easy reach to your audience.
Looking forward to create a compelling Patient Education Video?


There can be nothing better than using animated videos to educate patients.


As a medical professional, one aims to provide patients with excellent and satisfactory care.


Communicating through animated videos will establish credibility in the minds of your target audience and showcase your concern and commitment to your services. 


Embrace the world of animated videos by creating a more informed and tech-enabled medical environment for your patients.